Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Marketing - Sparkville Coca-Cola Campaign


Once upon a time in the bustling city of Sparkville, the Coca-Cola Company decided to launch an innovative and captivating marketing campaign. With the goal of spreading joy and refreshing moments, they embarked on a mission to create an unforgettable experience for their consumers.

The marketing team, led by the creative genius, Emily, brainstormed various ideas to captivate the hearts and minds of people in Sparkville. They wanted to break the barriers of traditional advertising and create a campaign that would make a lasting impact on the community.

After days of brainstorming and countless cups of Coca-Cola, inspiration struck Emily like a lightning bolt. She envisioned transforming a run-down alley into a vibrant and lively space, where people could escape the monotony of their daily lives and immerse themselves in the magic of Coca-Cola.

The team set to work, breathing life into the alley. Colorful murals depicting scenes of joy, friendship, and celebration were painted on the walls. Bright string lights were hung above, casting a warm and inviting glow. A stage was built at the end of the alley, ready to showcase local talent and provide a platform for emerging artists.

To launch their campaign, Coca-Cola organized a grand event. Word quickly spread throughout Sparkville, and anticipation grew. The day arrived, and the alley was transformed into a bustling hub of excitement. The air was filled with laughter, music, and the unmistakable aroma of Coca-Cola.

As people entered the alley, they were greeted by energetic performers and brand ambassadors, offering ice-cold Coca-Cola to quench their thirst. Each bottle was adorned with a personalized label, featuring the name of the recipient. It was a small but significant touch that made people feel seen and valued.

The stage came alive with performances by local bands, dance groups, and street artists, all spreading joy through their art. The crowd cheered and danced, united by the infectious energy that permeated the air.

But the magic didn't end there. Coca-Cola had one more surprise up its sleeve. As the evening sky darkened, the alley transformed into a mesmerizing light show. Projectors brought the murals to life, turning them into moving works of art. The walls danced with colors and images, telling stories of happiness and celebration.

News of the event spread like wildfire, and soon people from neighboring towns flocked to Sparkville to witness the marvel for themselves. The campaign became the talk of the region, and the Coca-Cola brand gained a newfound appreciation for its commitment to creating extraordinary experiences.

As the campaign continued, Coca-Cola continued to support local artists, organizing workshops and providing resources to nurture their talent. The once-forgotten alley became a vibrant cultural hub, attracting visitors from far and wide. Coca-Cola's dedication to the community and its celebration of art and togetherness became a source of inspiration for other businesses and organizations.

The success of Coca-Cola's marketing campaign in Sparkville became a shining example of the power of creativity, joy, and human connection. It demonstrated that a brand could transcend its product and become a catalyst for happiness and unity.

And so, the story of Coca-Cola's remarkable marketing campaign in Sparkville became a legend, told and retold by the people who experienced its magic firsthand. It served as a reminder that sometimes, all it takes is a splash of creativity and a generous dose of joy to create an unforgettable moment in the hearts of people.

Saturday, June 17, 2023



Money is revolutionary invention by  human to solve problems. See the history before the money was invented we are all use to bartering. Bartering yeah.!

what is bartering exchanging goods for goods, To have goods you need to produce goods. Otherwise you work someone who produce goods they provide you only need. NOT the GOODS.

That a concrete line  not easy to pass. Inequality is high .Land and Landlords are get more opportunity and common one.

Then money came! One golden rule set buy is "Work hard ,Live a frugal, save money and buy property...

That works for 100 and 200 years.

That why I said Money is not evil your focus-less-ness and bad spending habits are the evil...  

Be focus and don't lose money to stupid things.

Thank you.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Rubik Cube Theory : A life lesson from Rubik Cube.

Most of us at least once in our lifetime tried to solve the Rubik cubes. But most of us get disappointed and gave up. When my dad gave me a Rubik cube when I was 10 years old I tried lot but I only solve one side of the cube. Again in 5 years before I tried once and again I failed.
 Recently friend of mine gave me a Rubik cube as a gift. This time I have one advantage that was technology. I start to learn in YouTube and blogs. Finally I found the way how to solve the cube.
 In first try it’s takes days to solve one time. By practice its take 30 minutes to solve. Now I can solve within 4 minutes. Here I learnt a valuable lesson whatever goal is until we learn how to achieve it look like miracle. When you achieved it looks like simple.
 If your goal is being rich learn the method. Read the history of the people reached there before you. What they did. If they mentioned any mistake they made you can protect from it. If the say follow a habit follow it. Mentor-ship is important in life. But everyone not get one. By reading the books or watching interviews of your mentors you can get the mentor-ship by yourself. Therefore learn the method to reach your goal.

            This is making the rich and poor different, rich know the way poor don’t. That why rich will be rich poor will being poor. You what don’t what to be poor learn from the rich and be rich. Anyone can anything until he keep tiring and learning.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Sacrifices : To get better YOU

When you are really want something you have to sacrifice something, that the way how universe works. You don’t get something for nothing.
Don’t ask what Bill Gates sacrifice to get to be world’s richest man, He did programming 16 hours continuously when he was 17 years old when other same age kids played video games that time. Jeff Bezos sacrificed his well-paid Investment Banking job for his dream amazon which is an only book selling platform.
To achieve something remarkable you need to sacrifice your comfort zone and have to get things to work. Here I sharing some habits that make your self improve and achieve your goals.

Waking Up Early
  Most of the high achievers are early risers. Tim Cook (Apple.Inc CEO) wakes up 3.45am.Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson waking up 4am and Indira Nooyi (PepsiCo CEO) also waking up 4 am .i Am not saying you need to wake up 4 am just wake up little early then usual time. Make small improvement.

Why? Why you need to sacrifice your morning lazy sleep. Because everyone in the world have 24 hours equally. The high achiever using their 24 hours of valuable time wisely and productively. Wakes up early give you more energetic time then other peoples. Like getting extra overs in cricket play wisely.

Exercise & Healthy eating habits
You mean your mind and body. If your body get poor your mind get poor, your mind gets poor you get poor. Keep your mind and body good shape.
Just do some simple exercise like push up, squat or cycling. Give your muscles and joins a movement. Keep your body shape. Do some breathing exercises or meditation to keep your mind Sharp.
And eat healthy foods, Ofcoursce you can’t expect giving poor fuel and better result. Foods are fuel of body give them super petrol. Avoid junk foods. Control you capo and fat intakes.

Reading & continues learning
Keep learning .Learn new skills. Read a book about a person achieved what you want to achieve in the future. Reading a good book like living a life time. It’s give a life time worth experiences.
Learn new skill. World full of knowledge you can also find a thing you don’t know. Don’t know how to swimming go and train. Don’t know how to cook go and practice some basic from YouTube.

Traveling differs place will definably open your eyes. Lot of high achievers found the dream idea while traveling. Dietrich Mateschitz founder of Red bull got the Red bull idea because of the trip to Thailand. Steve Job’s Indian trip made his vision clear.

Traveling bring lot thing to you. You will understand what you know what you don’t know. You will learn new languages. You find new you.

Leave your past
Leave your past. Stop worrying about the missed opportunity and people leave you for others. I know lot of people worrying and thinking about past mistakes and losing the present life. The word “Present” saying it’s a gift. You get valuable gift everyday but you losing it because of a past mistake.
 Worrying or thinking about it not make things correct. Keep moving use you present wisely and get reward in future.

Be Thankful
Always be thankful for what you have. There is lot of peoples in this world dreaming a life now you having. Love yourself, enjoy yourself, feel the kid in you. Be happy put smile face in you.
Be thankful for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow.

Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting. – Napoleon Hill.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

KAIZEN - A Self - Discipline Method

In my previous post I mentioned that I will put a valuable Self - Discipline tips for you guys.

First  in that "Kaizen". Kaizen is continuous improvement in Japanese term.Lot of Japanese and International companies were using this method to improve their productivity and teamwork.

Simply saying main philosophy of the Kaizen is to make a small changes over a period of time to create improvement in a specific matter.We Can use this in our day to day life to improve our life.

Just think what you are planing , Let take doing exercise everyday then keep a time for to do exercise and do only 1 minute everyday for continuously 21 days .

Just same time everyday  1 minute of a specific exercise for 21 days.

You can figure out the change in you.After 21 days you can increase the time of doing the task.
In long time period you will definitely develop a positive impact in that matter.
It's work for me definitely work for you.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Why you only planning but NOT Doing

 In this Corona Pandemic we all got a valuable gift called TIME.Time is Money we all Know. everyone plan lot to do in this time but only do little amount in what you planed.
Do you know Why ? No its not Time management.

Only one thing come between you and your goal it's self discipline.

How to improve self discipline ? wait for may next post in this blog.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Coronavirus : What we can learn from Spanish Flu.

Image result for coronavirus
All Stock Market around the globe were rocked on these day because of corona-virus Pandemic.The Market backdrop is always full of uncertainty because no one knows what will happen in the future.This kind of Virus make certain uncertainty because no one know how it's go and end.

But as I believed history always repeats,the things is did we learnt from it or not.

The worst Influenza pandemic on record is Spanish Flu in 1918 - 1920.It's world war I period.
The global economy already effect from WWI. Like as current scenario Schools and Business are closed for slow the spread of virus. (It's really work). This all impact the market as like today you can see from below mentioned image.


The Spanish pandemic which lasted from 1918 - 1920, is estimated to have caused 39 Million deaths, equivalent to 2%  of world population at that time.

But after pandemic over the market went to is peak.Likewise this Corona-Virus also go away and market will become bull again.Buy at low and Sell at High. Choose your  shares wisely and win big.
Stay Safe.Be Positive

The Marketing - Sparkville Coca-Cola Campaign

  Once upon a time in the bustling city of Sparkville, the Coca-Cola Company decided to launch an innovative and captivating marketing campa...