Tuesday, May 5, 2020

KAIZEN - A Self - Discipline Method

In my previous post I mentioned that I will put a valuable Self - Discipline tips for you guys.

First  in that "Kaizen". Kaizen is continuous improvement in Japanese term.Lot of Japanese and International companies were using this method to improve their productivity and teamwork.

Simply saying main philosophy of the Kaizen is to make a small changes over a period of time to create improvement in a specific matter.We Can use this in our day to day life to improve our life.

Just think what you are planing , Let take doing exercise everyday then keep a time for to do exercise and do only 1 minute everyday for continuously 21 days .

Just same time everyday  1 minute of a specific exercise for 21 days.

You can figure out the change in you.After 21 days you can increase the time of doing the task.
In long time period you will definitely develop a positive impact in that matter.
It's work for me definitely work for you.

1 comment:

  1. I knew a little about this. Would love to read more about kaizen.
    I too have a blog that may interest you: http://thetalkingkathmandu.blogspot.com/


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